★ Made in Germany
★The audio files are saved in Directory AAC and have the pattern Rec-yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss.aac and im Directory Audio(extern) MediaDB AAC-Rec-yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss
★ The HQ professional Recording Tool
★ Real-time AAC recording
★ Recording phone conversations is not supported
★ Not every device supports high-quality sound recordings. Some devices are forced to record in slightly lower quality
★The recordings are not time limited
★For Play you need a Audio Player how 7digital, Google Play Music, Musik, Spotity or another.
"Hi Quality Rec" Audio Recorder records voice notes, songs, music, lectures, talks, concerts directly into high-quality AAC files.
Recording in high-fidelity 44 100 Hz audio sampling bit rate and 128000 audio encoding bit rate , it's much better than the default sound recorder application. Use the real quality of your Android device's microphone!
seniorlabde is committed to protecting it, we do not collect any data!
Required permissions:
See recommendations on our website "Personal Security":